Cheap beer

When no one was around, little dark, no sound

A bottle, just popped, my world, it rocked!!!

It was a cheap beer…

I was 18 just then, adam’s apple like hen

emotions got so loud, my ticket to ninth cloud

It was a cheap beer…

College it was, sky was clear, sat in grass

no *fikar, no tommorrow, just today, no sorrow

It was a cheap beer…

called a girl I liked, she said Hello, heart spiked

I said hello back, too fuzzy to keep track

It was a cheap beer…

Papa started calling late, mind was on horse, heart was on plate

Oh God!!! it is not fair, did nothing wrong, so much care

It was a cheap beer…

slept for the afternoon, missed the mess food, boon

something inside changed, life on reel arranged

It was a cheap beer…

My celebratory special, not my tea in kettle

Blasted my world, I sang, it was my big bang

It was a cheap beer…

Through month-ends, spending with both hands

One thing was missing, on the top of dissing

It was a cheap beer…

Got into a job, too much money, I rob

On the same drink, bonded with a girl, you think

It is now two cheap beers!!!


*fikar– means tension in urdu

Published by ThePotatoWarrior

I am just a curious soul.

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